Thank you for joining the sightseeing and rafting trip

After a wonderful time with my Viking friend, it was time to say goodbye. The next and final destination of my Norwegian adventure was Trondheim. My friend dropped me off at the bus stop. The bus was comfortable and the trip to Trondheim took about four hours. On the way, we had a ferry crossing,ContinueContinue reading “Thank you for joining the sightseeing and rafting trip”


Another stunning summer’s day in Norway! This day, my friend and I decided to have a look around in Kristiansund (not to be confused with Kristiansand, in the south of Norway), a small city, with about 24.500 residents. We didn’t do a whole lot (not that there was heaps to do anyway, haha), just someContinueContinue reading “Kristiansund”


My time with my Norwegian friend was coming to an end. Sadly, I have to add, because we had a great time! We concluded our day of hiking with an easy stroll at Svevestien, along the Atlanterhavsveien. The Atlantic Road runs along some stunning coastline! My friend drove up and over the bridge just soContinueContinue reading “Atlanterhavsveien”