Captain Peacock

When we were at the Castelo de São Jorge, we soon encountered two male peacocks. Well, first we heard them and then we saw them. I absolutely can’t stand the sound that peacocks make. It’s like a cat being strangled, so awful! The two guys were dancing around each other. At the time, we didn’tContinueContinue reading “Captain Peacock”

Fun with flags

For some reason I always try to get at least a few photos of the flag of the country I’m in when I travel. It took me a while to get a few good shots of this one. I mean, the wind helped and didn’t help 😛 I especially like the contrasts of colours: the boldContinueContinue reading “Fun with flags”

Castelo de São Jorge

Now that the weather is getting colder in the Netherlands and Autumn has truly arrived, it doesn’t take much for me to reminisce and enjoy the memories of my spring trip to Lisbon last April. As I’m sitting on my couch, snuggly under a warm, fluffy blanket, I’m longing to feel the warmth of the sunContinueContinue reading “Castelo de São Jorge”


The composition of this photo caught my eye. The greyish brown rocky layers in front, the greyish water behind that, a sliver of dark greyish blue to represent mountains that almost disappear in the thick cloud cover, and two black stripes for ships as almost specs on the horizon. Can you tell I love a layeredContinueContinue reading “Composition”