Funky (smelling) town

After our Hobbiton adventure, mom and I made our way to Rotorua. Yes, that stinky town 😛 Apart from the sulphur smells, which are not always that bad unless the wind wafts a certain way, there is actually plenty to do.

Personally, I’d recommend investing some time in learning more about Maori culture. You can join in on a cultural experience, complete with hangi, for example. I’ve done various of those evenings and my favourite by far is Tamaki Maori Village, that deserves its own blog post for sure! Another recommendation I have, is Te Wairoa Buried Village, where you can learn about the Pink and White Terraces that were destroyed when Mt. Tarawera erupted. I’ll post about that separately as well, as not to cram too much in one.

Apart from those activities, we also enjoyed some time walking around the city. We went to Ohinemutu Marae, lake Rotorua, and did some shopping. I think it’s nice to alternate activities and lazing around, which we could do from the ‘comforts’ of our own room (the hostel wasn’t that great).

If you travel the North Island, I’d say Rotorua is worth a visit. 🙂

Published by Alive and Trekking

Dreamer. Adventurer. Traveller. Idealist. Nature. New Zealand, Nordic countries and the Arctic.

2 thoughts on “Funky (smelling) town

    1. There certainly is heaps to do! And if we’re lucky, the wind blows the right way, because when it stinks, it really stinks, haha!

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